This pedestal based glass bottle with roping around the bottom uses a delicate overspray to achieve the perfect color. A unique decoration process allows the beautiful flower patterns and raised gold foil name to follow the complex shape of the glass body.

“Apogee Development and Rob Lynch embody what it means to be an exceptional partner and supplier. Rob and the Apogee team regularly deliver a level of enthusiasm, customer service, technical skill and a commitment to quality that is so critical in today’s business relationships. Rob and his team work every day to make our jobs easier.”
-Sam Ghusson, CEO Battalure Beauty LLC

NJPEC Package of the Year Award
The “heel” on this beautiful cap includes an intricate water printed pattern that uses multiple passes to achieve the award winning aesthetic.

“We at Undisputed by Floyd Mayweather believe in creating brand awareness by telling compelling authentic stories resonating with our audience. The story we have in our cooperation with Rob Lynch from Apogee, is a great one: Enthusiasm, human approach and expertise sets Apogee apart. We really love to work with Rob in full confidence seeing our mission and targets reached.”
Frederic and Marc Delfosse - CEO/COO Undisputed Paris

“Apogee and Rob Lynch have been instrumental by teaming with us to move along a complex cosmetic turn-key program to it’s ultimate success. Communication is key, and Rob accomplishes this with a positive attitude and sometimes a needed sense of humor. Great service, quality product, fair pricing, fact-based responses. A winning combination in my book. Looking forward to working with Apogee Development again.”
Jeri Newman, VP of Production for IBC Shell